PhD Student

Teléfono: +34 111 222 333


Address: Office 12.123 c/Mariano Esquillor SN Edificio I+D+i, I3A, Zaragoza (Spain)


My research focuses on exploiting novel and consolidated parallel and vector architectures (e.g., x86, Arm, RISC-V) for scientific applications, such as molecular dynamics (GROMACS) and genomics.

I am currently collaborating with the High-Performance Domain-Specific Architectures group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).



López-Villellas, Lorién; Langarita-Benítez, Rubén; Badouh, Asaf; Soria-Pardos, Víctor; Aguado-Puig, Quim; López-Paradís, Guillem; Doblas, Max; Setoain, Javier; Kim, Chulho; Ono, Makoto; Armejach, Adrià; Marco-Sola, Santiago; Alastruey-Benedé, Jesús; Ibáñez, Pablo; Moretó, Miquel

GenArchBench: A genomics benchmark suite for arm HPC processors Artículo de revista

En: Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 157, pp. 313-329, 2024, ISSN: 0167-739X.

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López-Villellas, Lorién; Mikkelsen, Carl Christian Kjelgaard; Galano-Frutos, Juan José; Marco-Sola, Santiago; Alastruey-Benedé, Jesús; Ibáñez, Pablo; Moretó, Miquel; Sancho, Javier; García-Risueño, Pablo

Accurate and efficient constrained molecular dynamics of polymers using Newton’s method and special purpose code Artículo de revista

En: Computer Physics Communications, vol. 288, pp. 108742, 2023, ISSN: 0010-4655.

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López-Villellas, Lorién; Pineda-Sánchez, Esteve; Badouh, Asaf; Marco-Sola, Santiago; Ibáñez, Pablo; Alastruey-Benedé, Jesús; Moretó, Miquel

RISC-V for Genome Data Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges Proceedings Article

En: 2023 38th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), pp. 1-6, 2023.

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